This is Our Story
Discover how Spring PR energises brands with creativity and strategy, perfectly tailored for the sports and active outdoor lifestyle market.
It all began with an Apple. An Apple Mac. When Steph moved down south to embark on her freelance journey, her kind former boss, Carlton Reid, gifted her an iconic Apple Mac with the colorful striped logo, setting the stage for her new chapter.
Spring finds its name and lands its first client! Spring PR was born when Steph brainstormed names at the Blue Jazz Café in Wells. Rock, Spring. Yeah Spring! So many fun things come from "Spring" Springboard, Springtime, Springwood, Springhead (you get the idea). And not long after that, Sprayway came on board as our very first client!
Spring embarks on a beautiful journey as Polartec joins us, kicking off a partnership that has flourished for over 20 years and counting!
Spring welcomes its very first employee, marking the beginning of our growing team!
Spring's first HQ is established right in the front garden of Steph’s home—a charming 4x3 wooden gem that’s a major upgrade from being cramped in the study. This is also when we start our journey with a US backpack brand, then little-known in the UK, Osprey.
There are two of us working out of "the shed" which feels voluminous! We are on fire and loving every minute of it. Clients pop in for a cuppa (we're only five minutes from the M4) around the kitchen table and a homemade cookie.
As Spring gets busier, we bring on Jo as freelance support. She's absolutely brilliant and will soon join us full-time, though Spring HQ is starting to feel a bit cosy!
Abbie joins our team as our first apprentice, fresh out of school and brimming with the energy of an 18-year-old. With her arrival, Spring HQ gets a new home!
We move to Cowage Farm—our first proper office with a toilet! The internet might be a challenge year after year, but at least the cows are friendly.
Naomi joins the team from Spring London, instantly becoming our most fashionable employee with her cool sneakers. Meanwhile, we’re in our walking shoes—witnessing the outdoor vs. lifestyle trend unfold right before our eyes!
The nice cows aren't compensating for the awful internet so Spring relocates to the serene, tree-lined Charlton Park just as the country enters COVID lockdown. The office remains unused for the next nine months as we weather the storm—figuratively speaking, of course.
Hybrid working begins and Spring happily reinstates all its events. They are more successful than ever giving the team a thirst to do more.
We have a massive rebrand, we deep dive into our culture and values and deliberate over colours and logos. Yes! We all agree, that 'spring/loop/pathway' fits us exactly. We launch this beautiful website!