We’re members of the European Outdoor Conservation Association (EOCA). Are you? There are nearly 150 of them ranging from brands to manufacturers, suppliers, and, obviously, PR agencies.
If you’re a member already, you know that EOCA’s got your back. It selects and manages conservation’s most worthwhile projects on your behalf. This means that your company can focus on net zero targets; operations and supply chain biodiversity impacts while EOCA handles the proactive, giving back bit. Healthy habitats and nature are vital as we strive to address the climate crisis and alarming rates of biodiversity loss. Conservation projects absorb and store carbon; support healthy soils, water sources, plant and animal populations and, well, the list goes on.
We asked EOCA’s Joint General Manager, Tanya Bascombe to share with us the top five reasons a company signs up for EOCA membership. This is what she said …
1. It’s like having an environmental consultant making positive choices for your Company
You know you need to be doing something for nature and the environment but you’re not sure what. Or how. Perhaps your current ESG strategy requires you give back to nature, but you just don’t know where to start. Any of those sound familiar? EOCA has all the in-house expertise to find and assess nature conservation projects and manage them right through to the end. Our team ensures they are the most worthwhile from a conservation point of view, benefit the local community, and ensure they achieve what they set out to do. The process is tough. We rigorously screen applications, check reports, organise payments and assess impacts as well as being in constant contact with the non-profit organisation. The result? It’s all taken out of your hands, so you don’t need the extra inhouse time and resources to manage it. And, let’s face it, if you’ve never been involved in a conservation project where would you start?
It’s not uncommon for brands to seek us out because their competitors or brands they work with are EOCA members. They either feel like they might be missing out or feel that they too want to give back to nature. EOCA was set up by the industry and is of the industry.
It's affordable for everyone because membership fees are dependent on the size of a company. Since 2006, EOCA has funded over 200 projects to the tune of €5.6 million which, without the ongoing support of its members, wouldn’t have happened.
3. Giving brands an authentic story to tell
If you’re a member you can authentically communicate your involvement and contribution to supporting nature restoration and protection work through working with EOCA. We can provide stories, images and statistics that show how many projects are supported by us through its members. Our information covers increased wildlife numbers, forest, meadowland, peatland and coral coverage. Not to mention projects that reduce poaching and fire risk, repair trails, keep hikers and bikers off fragile habitat and clear up single use plastic and other rubbish - all done whilst working alongside local communities to give nature a value and communities an income.
4. EOCA can satiate your desire to do more
Some members have come on board simply because they feel it’s the right thing to do (Spring PR is one of those). Today we are faced with damaged and ever-reducing nature. Nature that we need to be able to breathe, to give us food and provide clean water. Nature that we need for prosperity and a healthy society, that promotes our health and well-being. Nature that we need for life. EOCA is the organisation that helps you give back to the places that need it most.

5. Build it into your strategy: you can be as involved as you want
Our members have a wide range of needs. Some just want to raise awareness of the projects and work that EOCA does, others want their very own project to support, publicise and get their hands dirty with. EOCA can help with all this. We can get companies involved at every level of the organisation, whether simply telling a story, attending a meeting, helping to find projects to support or voting for the projects to fund.
To conclude, as a member, you can get as involved as you have the time, energy and resources for. Whatever level your involvement is, your membership is supporting nature restoration and protection projects around the world, which will benefit all of us, but the planet most of all.
For more information about EOCA, all of its projects and how to get (more!) involved, please go to eocaconservation.org or email info@eocaconservation.org